Illustrations ...
We are also pleased to offer freelance drawing services.
We cover just about any sort of illustration and in a variety of drawing media - technical (architectural, building surveys, and hand-drawn archaeological work), and non-technical drawing (portraits and so on). Commissions of any sort are very welcome. Please see the following two pages for more details ... !
We are also pleased to offer freelance drawing services.
We cover just about any sort of illustration and in a variety of drawing media - technical (architectural, building surveys, and hand-drawn archaeological work), and non-technical drawing (portraits and so on). Commissions of any sort are very welcome. Please see the following two pages for more details ... !
Above: reconstruction of the Tempsford moated site in use. Copyright Northamptonshire Archaeology
Below: test painting for an area of settlement at West Cotton.
Below: test painting for an area of settlement at West Cotton.